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lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

The election day .... what happened next:

Stained with corruption among election, payment for votes and give gifts to all,
free shuttle service from home to the polling station, volat before voting, in short a terrible fraudulent re-election by the candidate.
Was reelected ciudaddanos corrupting mercenaries who sell their votes to the highest bidder.

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Truth, the picture of Candidates for mayor of Urubamba is uncertain, because once again are people who are seeking their personal desires;

I sing and sing it, their offerings demagogic remain a pack of lies when the mayor get to forget the next day.

An opportunistic mayor seen as a juicy booty to ensure vejes, especially those who already were and I had the opportunity to demonstrate how majenan local government monies.

Pose no serious programs solicionen provincia.Nada urgent problems.

Sprawl of the city (urban desrrollo Plans).

"Nothing Make a point of attraction and lodging in Urubamba to visit us, doing sports recreation areas, dining, relaxation and tourist attraction, not just a city we stop or step.

"Nothing to develop SMEs in Urubamba.

_ Nothing to bet on the technical and university education in the city, to ensure the quality of citizens in the population.

Other substantive Urubambino that is known or you know their mom or dad going to vote for him.

And useless that they had had their chance to be the government

both locally and regionally and proved unable to govern and coordinate with the population. Pelendoandose who stood between them and thus harming the overall population Urubambina.

Reelection is mañoseria say because Seguier engage in looting the coffers of local government. that nerve to those who already took advantage of our noses, stealing shamelessly, as if we did not know all the tricks hieron corrupt.

May we who live in this beautiful province allow this again?. Choose the five senses when casting our vote. Choose Well!